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2014-02-04 02:17:16
Last author: GlamGamer
Owner: GlamGamer
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2016-04-14 [GlamGamer]: Victoria just shrugged, "I don't much anymore. I used to think kindness was weakness. I don't anymore."

Damion smiled, "Stop worrying about me. I'm alright."

2016-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm glad you don't hate yourself." Claude smiled.

Rosetta laughed softly."As if!"

2016-04-14 [GlamGamer]: Victoria smiled a little, "Well. What else has been happening. Any job offers yet?"

Damion just chuckled softly

2016-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "I've had serval job offers but I want to find the perfect one." Claude shrugged.

2016-04-14 [GlamGamer]: "Do you want to be close to your family?" Victoria sipped her wine.

2016-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude shook his head."Not really. We're far too much of free sprits to stay in one place too long."

2016-04-14 [GlamGamer]: Victoria chuckled softly, "I can see that about you.. Air element and all."

2016-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude chuckled softly."But when I dream of my mate I'll settle down."

2016-04-14 [GlamGamer]: "You have a while yet before you dream of them though, don't you?"

2016-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "I think so. Depends on if I take after my mother or my father."Claude shrugged.

2016-04-14 [GlamGamer]: Victoria tilted her head, "How long did it take them?"

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well dad was 30 and mum was 20. Dad use to baby sit my mother when she was a kid before he went off to travel the world then he went to college. Mum was in France studying catering in one of the top schools while Dad was in Egypt on a archeologic dig when they dreamt of each other. Then two months later they met at a family BBQ and they knew they belonged together." Claude smiled. 

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Victoria listened and smiled softly, "How romantic.." she said after a moment.

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah and during that party my older sister, Cleo was conceived."Claude chuckled.

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Victoria laughed at that, "Well, when you're in love..." she shrugged.

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Make babies." Claude chuckled.

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Victoria laughed, "Make babies." she nodded. She turned her attention to the first person singing for Antoinette and Thorn.

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude looked over at the first person to sing to the happy couple.

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Victoria leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs as she listened. She was a little nervous for her song.

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta picked at her nails as she chewed her lip a little and she was nervous about her turn.

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion took one of her hands in his, "It's alright. You'll do beautifully."

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta held his hand."Thank you, Teddy." She said softly.

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a little and smiled. But he was worried about her.

Victoria stood when it came to her turn, singing a french love song. (I couldn't find a song lol)

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled when Victoria sang her song, she leaned her head against Damion's arm.

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled, kissing her forehead. He squeazed her hand gently when it was her turn to sing.

Victoria sat down and sighed in relief when thw song was over.

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta took a deep breath as she walked up to the piano and sat."When Antoinette called me and told me she wanted me to sing for her and Thorn, I was over the moon and I wrote them this song. I wish you both all the love and happiness in the world." She smiled softly then she started to play and sing.

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Victoria leaned in while listening to Rosetta sing. The entire room was quiet and listened to her sing.

When the song was over Antoinette got out of her chair and walked over to her, hugging her. "Thank you." she whispered

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh...your welcome."Rosetta chuckled as she hugged Antoinette back.

2016-04-15 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette held her for a moment longer. There was no way she could go through this wedding knowing what she did. She pulled back and smiled at her, "Sorry.. Keep going. Ignore me!" she walked back to her spot.

2016-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta blushed a little."Next up is....Princess Luciana Star of Hell."She said softly then she rushed off back to her seat.

Luciana pretty sashayed to the microphone."Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening. As some of you may know, Antoinette and I where roommates at Mystic Academy and when High School musical came out on DVD we both fell in love with Zac Effron. So when we found out that he play Link in Hairpsray we bought the DVD and watched it too many times that I'm pretty sure we could act out the movie for you all." She chuckled."However one song sums up this wedding perfectly. Antoinette can here the bells, can't you, your majesty?" Luciana smiled then she started singing. When Antoinette had told Luciana about her crush on Wrath, Luciana had asked if she had heard the bells and Antoinette had said yes. So really Luciana was being a super bitch by singing this song but to everyone else it would seem that Luciana was just being nice.

2016-04-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette felt a blush rise in her cheeks because she mentioned the song. She gritted her teeth, but she had a smile on her face. Only Thorn could tell that she was pissed, but luckily he didn't say anything- just held her hand. When the song was over Antoinette was the first one to start clapping. No way in Hell- or on Earth- was she going to let it show just how pissed off she was.

2016-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana went back to her seat, she knew it had been wrong to sing that song and yes she felt bad about it but they all want her to be the big bad bitch from hell.

2016-04-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette wanted to cry. She didn't even know why they hated eachother now. It was her fault, she knew that, she just... Couldn't remember why. She got on stage, still smiling, "Well everyone, thank you for coming today! I feel so blessed as earlier,but with those songs and wonderful poems the feeling is greater. Now, there's a card room for friendly low stakes poker and such, or there's a few lawn games outside for those who wish to stay up. Otherwise I hope you all sleep well and I'll see you tomorrow."

2016-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana stood up, grabbed a bottle of champagne off the table and walked to the room for poker. She was feeling lucky.

"If your going to play poker do not get hot headed and gamble everything, like last time."Lilith warned Lucifer as she got up slowly.

Rosetta looked at Damion."What do you want to do?" She smiled.

2016-04-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette left the room quickly, calling a meeting with her advisors. She was going to call off the wedding in the morning, but they needed to know.

Lucifer chuckled softly, "Actually, I think my wife needs a relaxing bath and foot rub."

Damion smiled, "Let's grab some alcohol and snacks and head to a room.. One our parents don't know about." he whispered

Victoria stood, grabbing a bottle of regular wine, "I don't know about you, but I feel like skinny dipping." she smirked at Claude

2016-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana opened the bottle of champagne and sat at the poker table.

Lilith smiled."Good answer,love."

Rosetta smiled."Lets go, Teddy." She whispered as she got up and grabbed his hand, trying to get him off his chair but failing."Why won't you move?!"

Claude grinned like the Cheshire cat."Well fancy that, I suddenly have a need to swim."

2016-04-16 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled lightly and helped her to her feet, walking her to their room.

Andre got up and walked to the poker room.

Damion looked at her and laughed, "Relax. You go grab snacks." he helped her up, "I'll go get some drinks and playing cards."

Victoria laughed sending her guards away"Mmhmm." she walked to the private pool she'd found earlier. Once at the pool she took a swig of wine, then started slipping out of her dress

2016-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Luciana did well tonight. I was surprised to see her on her best behaviour." Lilith said as she walked with Lucifer.

Luciana drank from the bottle of champagne.

Rosetta smiled."Okay." She kissed his cheek then she went to the kitchen.

Claude grinned as he followed her to the private pool, he stood for a moment watching her slip out of her dress. He started stripping out of his suit.

2016-04-16 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a litfle, but frowned softly. "I'm not entirely sure she was. But I can't tell." He sighed and shrugged.

Andre sat next to her, putting his money in.

Damion watched their parents leave and then grabbed some alcohol

Victoria sat down, rolling her pantyhose off. She wasn't wearing a bra because of the backless dress, but she still had her back to him. She didn't give herself time to question what she was doing. With her pantyhose off she stood and shimmied out of her underware.

2016-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "What do you mean?" Lilith asked.

Luciana looked at Andre."Sure you want to take me on?" She raised an eyebrow as she took a sip out of the bottle.

Rosetta grabbed loads of junk food then she ran back to the hall and found Damion.

Claude grinned when he saw that she had no tan lines. He was right, he would like to gloat but he didn't want to scare her off.

2016-04-16 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed, "I watched Antoinet durring Luciana's song. She blushed and looked at Wrath.. Then was gritting her teeth.."

Andre chuckled soflty, "You can't win anything against the house, so yeah."

Damion grinned, "Let's go."

Victoria looked at him and then dove into the pool

2016-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith frowned."Interesting."

"Want a bet?" Luciana smirked.

"Lead the way, Teddy."Rosetta smiled.

Claude stripped off his boxers and he got into the pool.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded and sighed softly, "I'm going to leave it alone though.. I can only fix what Corarose has done, everything else is on her shoulders."

Andre tossed fifty bucks on the table for his chips. "Of course I do."

Damion smiled a bit and started walking until the halls got quite, finally picking a room.

Victoria watched him from under the water. As a vampire she could hold her breath for a long time, but once he was in the water she came up, tilting her head back so her hair was out of her eyes.

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "She's young. She'll learn, Lucifer."Lilith said softly.

Luciana did the same."Good."She smirked.

Rosetta followed him into the room.

Claude gasped."Damn that is cool."

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed softly as they got to their room. "I know that.."

Andre as a maid for a bottle of whiskey as he organized his chips.

Damion turned on the lights, making sure they weren't too bright though.

Victoria smiled a little, flashing her fangs.

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "She has to learn at sometime. You can't protect her forever."Lilith said as she put her hand on his cheek."Everyone thinks she is evil and a bitch because of her tile as Princess of Hell. She was a trouble maker when she was a child but as she got older she became good but she's always been good at heart. However now, she has no one on her side apart from us, so she is acting out as what others think of her." Lilith shrugged."I'd do the same."

"Well that meal had no drama. I thought I was going to fall asleep."Luciana chuckled.

Rosetta put all the snacks on the dressing table."So did you like the song? It took forever to write." She chuckled.

"I think my balls have jumped inside of my body." Claude chuckled.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled at her, "Oh I know you would. Where do you think she got it?"

Andre chuckled softly, "Now see, I thought you'd be at the center of it."

"It was beautiful.. I'm proud of you for going through with it.. You could have backed out."

Victoria laughed, "Rome has spoiled you with heat." She smirked a bit, "I could warm you up..."

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "From you?"Lilith teased.

"I could have but my father would have locked me up in his torture room for a week if I had."Luciana shuddered.

Rosetta smiled a little."Thanks, Teddy. I wanted to back out but....I couldn't let Antoinette down. I didn't want to be a coward."

Claude raised an eyebrow slightly."Oh really now?" He grinned ever so slightly.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled, "Uh-huh.. Sure."

Andre raised a brow, "Really? I'm surprised he's not encouraging it..."

Damion smiled, "You could never be a coward"

Victoria's smirk grew wider. "I could.." She shrugged and started swimming away, "But should I is the question."

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "It's best not to lie to yourself. It's good that your admitting it."Lilith smiled.

Luciana shrugged."He found out about Corarose and says he'll fix it but anything I do now he can't fix. It's not like I need friends. Dad has no friends. He only has Lilith, myself and Wrath. Plus if my so called friends wanna believe that fucking cunt then they can because I'm done with all of them. I don't need people in my life that don't believe in me and have my back. Fuck them."

"Thanks, Teddy."Rosetta smiled a little as she took off her high heels.

"Your a tease, Lady Victoria Lord." Claude chuckled as he swam after her.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer gave a fake sigh and rolled his eyes. He smiled and kissed her lightly, "Go get naked while I get the bath water ready."

"Fix what though? Did she put a spell on them or something?" Andre frowned, confused, "I mean, if it's a spell then it's not really something you should get mad at them for..."

Damion smiled a bit and then looked at the drinks he'd grabbed, "What would you like first?"

Victoria gasped, stopping when she got to the wall, "Me? I would never." She said and then grinned.

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yes Oh mighty King."Lilith chuckled as she sat on the bed with a sigh. She took her heels off and groaned."Oh that's better." She smiled.

"He found out about Corarose turning everyone against me. He thinks he can fix it but he can't." Luciana sighed. She hadn't properly listened to her dad when he figured out that Corarose had used a spell, curse or potion against her friends.

"Anything but vodka. You know what happens when I drink vodka." Rosetta shuddered. She does bad things when she drinks vodka. She once tried to jump off the roof into the outside pool at Mystics.

Claude braced his hands on either side of her head."Yes you are."He grinned.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled softly and walked into the bathroom, getting the huge bath filled up

Andre frowned a bit, "I don't know Luciana... Antoinette, at least, has been.. Off. Like something's wrong in her head. You know, other than the normal stuff.." He shook his head a little, "She started having nightmares after your fight. Every night."

Damion chuckled, "I didn't even bring it into the room.. If I'm drinking I can't be worried about you jumping off the roof."

Victoria grinned sheepishly, "Maybe.... You have a tan line by the way.. Right about here." She ran her finger low on his abdomen.

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith stood up and pulled off her dress then pulled off her tights. She looked down at her pregnant belly."You need to come out soon. I rather miss seeing my feet, little one."She said softly then she took off her bra."Yes..."She groaned and for her that was the best feeling ever.

"I don't care, Andre." Luciana lied smoothly. Yeah it was a total lie, she did care. She wanted to hunt down Antoinette and help her but she knew if she did that Antoinette would shut her down even before she opened her mouth.

"It was one time and no one ever forgets it."Rosetta laid on the bed with a dramatic sigh.

"Do I know? Anywhere else I have tan lines?"Claude grinned a little.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled when he heard her. He added soothing oils and bubble bath to the tub and nodded when he was happy. He dimmed the lights and turned on her favorite relaxing music. When that was done he walked out to her and smiled, kissing the back of her neck.

Andre nodded, "Of course. Let's play." He nodded to the poker game, which the dealer had set up for them and was now just waiting for them to play.

Damion chuckled softly, "It was terrifying.. And really funny."

She trailed her finger over his hip and down to his thigh, "Right about here.. Wearing tight swim trunks to show off hmm?"

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled and arched her neck a little."Will you be joining me?"

"Lets play and get ready to lose, Andre."Luciana smiled.

"Blah blah blah."Rosetta muttered.

"You know me, I like to show off."Claude grinned as he leaned in a little closer to her.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: "Only if you'd like me to." He kissed her neck again

Andre chuckled softly, "Your confidence will be your downfall Princess."

Damion grinned and held up a bottle of wine, "Start off slowly? Or jump right in." He held up a bottle of berry flavored moonshine.

Victoria looked up at him and smiled a little, "You have a lot to show off."

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled."I do."

"Doubt it."Luciana said as she looked at her cards.

"Wine me, baby."Rosetta grinned."Like the whole bottle."

"Look at you stroking my ego."Claude chuckled softly as he leaned his head down a little and brushed his lips against hers.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled a little, "Well, you go get settled, I'll join in just a moment."

Andre just chuckled softly as he looked at his cards.

Damion got the wine open for her, handing it to her before opening the moonshine for himself.

"Stop talking." She murmured against his lips before leaning in and kissing him.

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith kissed his cheek."Alright." she said as she waddled into the bathroom.

Luciana had her resting bitch face on as she looked at her cards.

Rosetta sat up, took the bottle then she downed half of it.

Claude kissed her back, he rested on hand on the back of her head and the other was around her waist. Thankfully they where in the shallow end of the pool.

2016-04-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer got undress while he touched base with Abel about Corarose.

Andre's face was blank except for the charming smile he gave the maid when his drink arived.

Damion took a drink of the moonshine and then opened up the deck of cards he'd grabbed

Victoria pressed into him as she deepened the kiss. Her hands went to his waist.

2016-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith eased into the bath with a relaxing sigh.

Luciana took a sipped of her champagne.

"Life sucks, Teddy. Do you think I would be a good Queen?"Rosetta sighed loudly as she laid back on the bed.

Claude couldn't keep his hands to himself, his hand that was on her waist was roaming her back as he kissed her passionately.

2016-04-20 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer talked to Abel for a bit before hanging up and joining Lilith

Andre upped the bet by tossing a few chips on the table.

Damion looked at her and smiled, "I do. I know you will be."

Victoria pulled herself in closer to him. He moved one hand from his waist to wrap her arm around his shoulders, pulling herself into him.

2016-04-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled as she relaxed in the bath.

Luciana matched his bet then raised it.

"But I know nothing of politics." Rosetta sighed loudly.

Claude held her close to him as he kissed her passionately.

2016-04-20 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled a little, leaning in and kissing her cheek

Andre traded one card and the raised the bet.

"You'll learn.. And you have a friend you can ask.. Over text or the phone so you don't have to see Thorn."

Victoria wrapped her legs around his waist.

2016-04-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "So what was that phone call about?" Lilith asked.

Luciana finished her bottle of champagne, she waved the maid over."Vodka on the rocks."

"I won't ever speak to Thorn...well unless I have to." Rosetta sighed.

Claude held her up, his hands on her ass and holding her up at the same time.

2016-04-21 [GlamGamer]: "Corarose... Abel is having fun, but she's not wearing down very easily.. He sounds like an unsupervised kid in a candy store... He hasn't had a challenge lately."

The maid nodded and went off to get her drink.

Damion smiled a little, "But you have Antoinette, and your family. But most importantly you have me."

Victoria broke the kiss so she could catch her breath, leaning in and kissing his neck.

2016-04-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith chuckled."Your too kind to Abel."

Luciana raised his bet.

Rosetta nodded."I do have all of you. I'll have the best guard in Nymph history."

Claude arched his neck as he panted.

2016-04-21 [GlamGamer]: "I am, aren't I?" Lucifer chuckled softly getting into the tub with her.

Andre finished his whiskey before uping his bet.

"Alright, show your cards." The dealer said.

Damion smiled a little, "Exactly."

Victoria gently scraped her fangs against his neck, then kissed the scratches.

2016-04-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith chuckled.

Luciana smirked ever so slightly as she showed her cards, royal flush.

Rosetta looked at Damion."Are you sure you want to guard me knowning I'll be queen?"

Claude shuddered."Damn...."he muttered.

2016-04-22 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled and ran his fingers down her arms.

Andre waved the maid over, "I'm going to need the bottle please." he said as he put his cards on the table.

Damion smiled, "I'll guard you even if you end up being a Goddess."

Victoria smirked a little and did it again in a different spot

2016-04-23 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith smiled and leaned against him.

Luciana took her vodka on the rocks off the maid.

"A goddess? Really? You've had too much moonshine."Rosetta chuckled.

Claude shuddered once more, all his blood going to one part of his body, he pulled his head back then he started kissing her neck.

2016-04-24 [GlamGamer]: An hour before the wedding, Antoinette- clad in her wedding dress, hair and make up done, but barefoot- called her guests to the main ballroom to announce that the wedding had been canceled. She simply couldn't interfere with matters of the heart, and she certainly wasn't going to allow her fiance and friend live apart.

Antoinette encouraged everyone to enjoy cocktails and such before dinner, and there would still be dancing. As the sun went down and everyone enjoyed themselves, the lonely Queen wandered off to the top of the astronomy tower. Sitting there, so high in the sky it was almost like she was flying without having to use her wings. She was on the verge of tears when she realized that she was indeed not alone. Antoinette turned to see Michael behind her. It instantly made her uneasy. "Michael. Beautiful evening.."

Michael looked as the sunset turned to pink dusk. He shrugged, "I suppose. Turn against Lucifer. I'm giving you a chance to join me. Before the war gets too bad."

"I don't think so." Antoinette said firmly.

He sighed, walking to her and touching her shoulder, forcing her damaged pink wings out. "I was hoping that you would say something different."

She stepped back from him, closer to the edge, ready to jump if she needed to. "Lucifer and his family helped a thousand times more than you and the rest of Heaven. Lucifer has been my mentor the past months, even with his daughter hating me. What have you done for me? For my people?"

Michael closed the distance between them again. "Well. I'll tell you what I will do. I'll give them a chance to join me when you're gone." He spun her around, ripping off her wings and then picked her up by her throat. He flew to the garden, away from the large koi pond that could save her. Then he dove towards the earth, making sure she was falling fast enough that her death would be instant, maybe. He honestly didn't care.

Antoinette didn't scream as she plummeted towards the earth. When Michael let her go, she turned, facing the sky. It was oddly peaceful. The sky was so beautiful. But she really should scream. She didn't. She slammed into the ground. Nearly every bone shattered, her organs damaged beyond repair. Her death wasn't instant like it should have been. Her head rested turned to the right, facing the party guests gathered in the garden and on the patio. Her eyes met Wrath's, then Luciana's. Her last thought was about how much she wanted to hug her best friend. Then her world faded to black.

Damion was sitting back, drink in hand as he watched Thorn and Rosetta 'dance'. They were barely swaying anymore, just holding each other, talking, and staring into each other's eyes. When the people around them fell silent he knew something was wrong. The piercing scream confirmed it. His reaction was to instantly go to Rosetta's side, Keeping her tucked behind him as he searched for the danger.

Victoria was with Claude. The night before had been amazing, and she was kind of hoping for a repeat tonight before they had to go their separate ways in the morning. When everyone was going to the windows and outside, she frowned. "Wonder what is going on." She said just before the scream pierced the air.

Lucifer had been looking for Michael, he'd felt it when his brother came to Earth and so close to them. He was on his way to the astronomy tower when he saw the guards all running the other way. He frowned, using a portal to get the Wrath's side, "What..." His words trailed off when he saw the pouf of Antoinette's blue wedding dress, and the Queen's pale skin marked with the bright red of her blood coming out of her nose and mouth.

<img400*0:> Antoinette's dress... It's so pretty lol

2016-04-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath was outside with his sister while he smoked a cigarette, trying to talk some sense into his sister about making up with Antoinette. He looked over when he hear the thud of Antoinette's body hitting the ground, he stared in shock for a moment, his cigarette fell from his fingers and it hit the stone slabs. He rushed over to her, he knelt on the ground next to her unsure of how he could help her. The curse that was placed on his heart lifted and he knew she was his soulmate and that he was blinded by the truth."Don't leave me...."he whispered, knowing it was too late. A single tear ran down his face as he felt his heart breaking.

Luciana was speechless as she stared at Antoinette's broken body. She felt sadness which quickly turned to blinding rage because she saw her uncle high in the sky with a smirk on his face. Her body slowly covered itself in blinding white flames, her clothes disappeared and was replaced with her battle armour. White leather trousers, black knee high boots, gold breast plate and gold wrist cuffs. Her eyes turned pure black, making her look like a demon. It was the side of herself that she had spent her whole life hiding away from the world but now the lock had been broken and the true Princess of Hell was shining. She screamed a battle cry that was filled with rage and sorrow, then she ran as fast as she could. As Luciana ran, her wings came out, beautiful brilliant white wings with blood red tips, she flapped her wings and flew into the sky."YOUR DEAD, MICHAEL! NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS! NO ONE!" She screamed at him as she launched a arrow at him, as the arrow neared closer to him it multiplied into 20 hell fire arrows all aiming at Michael.

Rosetta swayed with Thorn, chatting and staring lovingly into each others eyes. Just getting to know each other but when she heard the scream, she stopped sway and clung to him."Teddy!" She shouted. Thorn maybe her soulmate but Damion was her person. Person trumped everyone and everything.

Claude couldn't stop grinning because he kept on remember last night with Victoria. It had been mind blowing and he planned on seducing her tonight for another round or two. He walked outside when he heard the scream."Fuck...."He whispered when he saw Antoinette.

Lilith waddled outside to see what was going on because she was nosey like that. She soon found her husband and step-son next to Antoinette's body."Oh no...." she whispered then she looked at the sky when she heard Luciana and she saw that she was fighting Michael."Lucifer stop her. Michael will kill her."

2016-04-24 [GlamGamer]: Andre pushed his way through the crowd to see what happened, going still when he saw her on the ground. "No!" he roared, collapsing. He was supposed to protect her, look for threats among friends. He had failed her.

Thorn used his water magic to push himself up over the crowd, "Damion. Don't let her see." he said, looking out the window. He came back down, looking at Rosetta, "Its... It's Antoinette. Don't look."

Damion exchanged a look with Thorn. "You two stay here."

Lucifer walked to his son. How on Earth could he comfort him? When Lilith called out to him he looked to the sky, taking off the second his wings appeared. He was going for Lucianna . to protect her from any harm Michael would try.

But Michael didn't want to fight kust yet, so he quickly used a portal to Hevean and opened a new on on the ground, ignoring his nephew there for now. He made his voice boom over the crowd. "Let this serve as a lesson. Do not cross Heaven. Stand with me. Or stand on the sidelines. But do not claim loyalty to Lucifer. Under any circumstances."

"Yeah? I'd rather put an ice scuplter up my ass than side with you." Victoria said when no one else spoke. She stood just in front of Lilith, like she was protecting her.

"You, abomination don't get a choice to stand with Heaven anyway." Michael said before leaving to Heaven. He would fight another day

2016-04-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana screamed when Michael disappeared."You fucking coward!" She flicked her wrist and made a portal to Heaven and she launched a 100 hell fire arrows into the portal, knowing it would seriously wound every Angel that it touched. She would take on every Angel in Heaven for Antoinette, even if it meant her own death.

Wrath looked at Lilith."Help me...."He whispered as tears ran down his eyes. He couldn't lose her.

Lilith looked at Wrath."I could turn her but I need her allow it."She said softly as she slowly knelt on the other side of Antoinette."Her heart beat is faint but it's there."

"What happened to Antoinette?"Rosetta asked softly with a look of worry on her face."Tell me!" She looked over at Damion."You better come back alive or I'll be pissed."

Claude walked over to Andre, he knelt next to him and put his hand on his shoulder. He said nothing but he was there for his friend.

2016-04-24 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer went to his daught. "Luciana." he said softly. "Come. We can help her."

"L..Lilith.." Victoria said softly, pointing to Antoinette's feet. they were covered in vines.. She was litterally turning into plants now. Antoinette's hair was turning to little pink flowers.

Thorn watch Damion walk away before looking at Rosetta. "She's.. She's dead Rosetta.. It's like she fell out of the sky."

2016-04-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at her father with her black eyes."But she's dead. I can help her by killing Michael slowly." She smirked.

Lilith looked at Antoinette's feet then her hair."Damn..... I still have time." She used her nail to cut her wrist then she opened Antoinette's mouth, letting her blood pour down her throat. She knew she would need to feed afterwards because she was putting her own child at risk. Lack of blood is dangerous to vampire pregnancy.

Rosetta shook her head slowly as her eyes welled up with tears, her bottom lip trembled."No...."She whispered then she started sobbing, the kind of sobbing that just broke your heart.

2016-04-24 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed, "Later.. Later." he looked down. "Jesus." he muttered, rushing back to the ground.

It didn't work. She wasn't going to turn vampire. The blood filled her mouth and spilled over the side.

Andre stayed crumpled on the ground. Not crying, but he wasn't ok either.

Lucifer landed next to Lilith and stopped her bleedingbleeding. "Are you insane? Lilith RoseMarie Morningstar. Feed." he demanded, but then he was distracted. "Where are her wings.." he frowned, "they should be burned into the ground.."

2016-04-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith looked up at Lucifer."I need to save her. Luciana will go insane and Wrath...." She shook her head."I don't know where her wings are. Maybe by the koi pond? Whatever you have planned just hurry. She doesn't have much time."

Luciana closed the portal then went back down to the ground, her body losing it flames. She started at Antoinette's body with anger on her face. She walked over to Andre, she knelt in front of him."You did not fail. Do not blame yourself. We will get our revenge. I promise I will give you Michael's heart on a silver platter."

2016-04-24 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer frowned a little. "No not her physical wings.. Her angel essence her..." he looked at Lilith, "You go feed. I'm serious. Luciana, you're in charge. Call the demons if Heaven attacks. You know how." he looked at Victoria, "Make sure she eats." the he went to his son. "Come on.. Come with me.." he whispered, trying to get him to let her go a d stand up.

Antoinette starled awake, the scream that had been stuck in her throat ringing out tbrough the empty throne room. But it wasn't her throne room. She looked down when she realized she was naked, covering herself as she looked around. There was no one so she stood up, not oknowing that she was in the throne room of hell. Then she caught a glimpse of herself, her hair was a darker pink and her new wings? The prettiest black she had ever seen.

2016-04-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana kissed Andre's forehead then she stood up and whistled loudly."All protectors front and centre please!" She shouted.

Wrath stood up slowly and looked at his father."She's dead, dad..."He whispered, he had such a lost look on his face.

Lilith looked at Victoria."Bring me someone to feed on, now." She said as nicely as she could because she had lost a lot of blood.

2016-04-24 [GlamGamer]: Her shouting got them all moving, snapping people out of their dazed states.

Lucifer kissed his forehead, "Come my son." he opened a portal and guided him in.

Victoria nodded, she took off at lightening speed.

Antoinette turned and looked at her reflection for a bit longer before walking up to the throne, sitting down and crossing her legs, looking around. She didn't notice the portal opening..

2016-04-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at the protectors and royal guards."Set up a protective ring around the estate. Take all guests inside to the ballroom and keep them there just until we're sure that my cunt of an Uncle isn't gonna attack again."

Wrath nodded a little then he walked into portal.

Lilith wrapped her arms around her belly, she could feel the baby's strong heartbeat but she was still worried.

2016-04-24 [GlamGamer]: They took off to do as she said. When a guard tried to move Andre he jerked away, staying on the ground.

Lucifer spotted Antoinette's tiny figure in his chair. It took him a moment to realize she was naked. He patted Wrath's shoulder. "Just um..relax here. Ok?" he whispered and backed away.

Victoria brought two feeders to her. "I'll act as the third feeder if you need more."

Antoinette looked around and saw Wrath, how broken he seemed. "Wrath?" she whispered, wondering if this was all some kind of dream.

2016-04-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked over to Andre, she looked at the guard."Leave him." She said firmly then she knelt on the ground and simply hugged Andre.

"Thank you."Lilith said then she bit into the first feeders wrist gently and fed.

Wrath nodded."Okay...." His muttered as he looked at the floor with a frown on his face. Oh great he was hearing her voice now. He sighed loudly.

2016-04-25 [GlamGamer]: Andre didn't react at first. "I was supposed to protect her from possible threats from our allies."

Victoria nodded, watching to make sure everything was going ok.

Antoinette frowned a little, looking at her hands. So she was dead. He couldn't hear her. It made her heart break that he seamed so sad. "Please don't be sad." she said as she stood up and walked towards him.

2016-04-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "I know, Andre." Luciana said softly as she rubbed his back gently.

Lilith fed slowly making sure she didn't take too much.

Wrath shook his head. How could he not be sad? He had lost his soul mate without even knowing she was his soulmate thanks to that bloody curse.

2016-04-25 [GlamGamer]: Andre frowned, "Raphael... He was the one I always dealt with."

Victoria supported the feeder as they grew weaker.

"I didn't feel any pain. Except when my wings came off." she frowned. "I wish you could hear me... Maybe not see me.. I'm completely naked. Did not know that would happen when I died.. Course I didn't think my hair would get darker and my wings black.." she put a hand on his chest, surprised when it didn't go through him.. She thought it would if she was a ghost.

2016-04-26 [GlamGamer]: <img200*0:> [I like the thought of her hair being like this... Darker on the ends instead of all over. Still crazy curly though]

2016-04-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Uncle Raphael doesn't have much of an issue with Hell but Michael.....Michael does. Do you remember what I told you when I first met you?"Luciana held him close.

Lilith finished feeding."Thank you." She put her hands on her belly and relaxed when she felt her baby move and kick.

Wrath stared at her in shock at her naked body and at the fact she was in hell."Your....alive?" He flicked his wrist and black skinny jeans and white t-shirt and black ankle boots.

2016-04-27 [GlamGamer]: "That you'd kick my ass if I hurt Antoinette." Andre muttered.

Victoria nodded a little. "Will Wrath be ok?"

Antoinette tilted her head, "I'm not dead?" she frowned, "I'm going to rip that little Angel boy to bits." she looked up at him, "Wrath, why were you so sad?"

Thorn swallowed hard, "Rosetta.. Antoinette is dead. I don't know what happened.."

"Michael attacked her.. Said that her fate would be ours if we got in Heaven's way." Damion said as he came back. "I have to get back to work.. You two stay away from the windows and if you see an angel, don't say anything just get out of their way."

2016-04-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "No. The story I told you about Wrath and Michael's childs death. That story is the reason Michael attacked. He knew Antoinette was Wrath's soul mate."Luciana sighed."We have a curse on our hearts that we unable to feel love, true love because my father killed a witches true love. Anyways the only way to break the curse is for your true love to die, so we feel the lose that the witch did. Michael wanted to hurt Wrath and he did. I'll be his next target." Luciana couldn't wait for her Uncle's next attack because next time she will be ready to rip his wings off.

Lilith looked at Victoria."No. He will not but he will recover the best he can and go on in life."

Wrath looked at her new wings."I guess my grandfather does watch over us all because if I am correct. Your a fallen now."

Rosetta shook her head as she sobbed loudly then she looked t Damian."NO! Your not going, Teddy! You can't die too!" Rosetta did the only thing she could, she sat on his foot, wrapped her arms and legs around his leg. Yes it was very childish move but she couldn't lose another friend. She wasn't sure she could take much more death.

2016-04-27 [GlamGamer]: Andre frowned a little, "That doesn't bode well for your soulmate." He whispered softly. He pulled away after a moment, "I have to get her affairs in order.. I don't even know if she picked someone to rule in her place yet.."

Victoria nodded, "I have to call the covens. Let them know what is happening.. We aren't ready for another war, but I'll be damned if we don't put up a fight."

Antoinette glanced back at her wings, "Aren't they pretty?" She flexed them, "And they don't hurt from being broken anymore.." Then she looked at him, "You're avoiding my last question though Wrath...Is everyone ok? He didn't hurt your sister or Lilith did he?"

Damion gently peeled her off of him, handing her over to Thorn, "I can't right now Rosetta. I'll be back in a little bit." He said as gently as he could before walking away.

Thorn held her, "Rose, come on, let's go to our parents.. He'll look there first."

2016-04-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good job I don't have one."Luciana nodded a little."Keep your guards close in case Michael comes back. I'll come find you later and we'll get drunk."

Lilith nodded as she stood up."Michael wants a war, well he will get one." She snarled then she walked back into the castle.

"Everyone thinks your dead, Antoinette. Luciana went crazy and tried to kill Michael. Lilith tried to bring you back as a vampire, she lose a lot of blood just before your body turned into flowers. I don't know about everyone else but I know they will all be grieving."Wrath frowned.

Rosetta struggled against Thorn's hold."Let me go, Thorn! Teddy come back!" She shouted as she sobbed loudly but she gave up her struggling after a moment."Fine.....lets go." She sighed and pouted.

2016-04-27 [GlamGamer]: Andre nodded, "Be careful." He said before going off to figure out what to do.

Victoria watched her walk away and then spotted Claude, walking over to him.

Antoinette frowned, "Well. Let's go tell them I'm fine." She took his hand and started walking. But she had no idea how to get out of Hell.

"I can't let you do that." Lucifer said as he came out of the shadows. "Michael thinks you're dead and that's what I need him to believe. Which means that very few of your friends can know either.. There hasn't been a fallen angel in centuries. I was the first, the last was about a hundred years after me... And only two fallen angels besides myself and you are alive. If Michael finds out there will be no end to the amount of people he will kill." He sighed softly, "You becoming a fallen angel could mark the beginning of the apocalypse.. I hope not, but still." He looked to Wrath, "Do you want time alone or should I go get Luciana, Lilith and Andre?"

Thorn frowned, he hated seeing her cry, "I'm sorry Rose.."

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: "I always am."Luciana said softly as she watched him go then she looked behind her and saw that her wings had indeed healed, a beautiful shade of sparkly gold with shining white tips. She flamed up and the white turned into blood red."Thanks grandpa." She whispered at she looked up to the sky with a slight smile."However I would trade my life for Antoinette's life. Just promise you'll look after her and keep her safe."She sighed softly as her flames disappeared from her body and went shooting out of her hands and into the sky. The flames formed a protective dome around the castle and grounds.She would protect everyone here with her life.

Claude was still in shock, he was knelt on the ground where Antoinette had died. He stared at the flowers.

"Father is correct, Antoinette. Your rare as father is. Myself and Luciana where born fallen and we are just as rare. We must keep you a secret from Michael and the other Archangels."Wrath said then he looked at his dad."Yes, bring them here. It's best not to spare them anymore heartache."

Rosetta held onto Thorn tightly as she sobbed loudly."I can't believe she is gone, Thorn...."

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Victoria walked over to claude, kneeling next to him. She took his hand in hers and put her head on his shoulder for a moment. "Claude..." she whispered, "Can I move 4th ou inside, with the others?" she was worried about another attack, she was worried about him.

Antoinette crossed her arms over her chest, "What about my people? I can't leave them mourning me when I'm not even dead. And I have to make sure they're safe."

Lucifer chuckled softly, leaving hell. And leaving Wrath to deal with Antoinette. She would be fiesty now, more than she ever had been before. He found Lilith first, checking the baby as he asked her to return to Hell to Wrath. Then he found Luciana, "Get Andre and come to hell. He can grieve there and we can discuss what to do next."

Thorn walked to the ballroom and looked around for their family. Then he decided it was too loud there and instead found the library. He sat down and held her in his lap. "I know.." he whispered, as shocked as she was, one tear rolled down his cheek.

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude looked at Victoria."She's dead, Victoria. One of my best friends is dead." he whispered as tears ran down his face.

"Who did you choice as your heir? If it was Andre then you can run the kingdom through him. Until this war with Michael is done you can not leave Hell. I can't lose you again, Antoinette. I just can't."Wrath said then he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

Luciana looked at Lucifer."No. I won't leave Antoinette's people to be sitting ducks. You go discuss what to do next but I won't leave." She said firmly.

Lilith found Lucifer and Luciana."Lucifer lets go." She said softly then she winced as the baby kicked her."Now you stop that." She softly to her unborn child.

Rosetta cuddled him as she sobbed.

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Victoria ran her fingers threw his hair and then kissed his forehead. "I know." she whispered, pulling him into a hug. She ran her fingers threw the hair at the back of his neck.

"It would be Andre in this situa-" She stopped when he leaned in, lissing her. She lost all of her fight and wrapped her arms around him.

Lucifer put a hand on her cheek, "Luciana, I need you for five minutes tops. He indicated around them. "Every Hell houd is her right now. Now get your boyfriend and get your ass in Hell." he said firmly. Then he looked at his wife, rubbing her stomach lightly. "Let's go." he nodded

Thorn ran his fingers threw her hair, singing softly.

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: "I will rip the air right out of Michael's body the next time I see him."Claude glared as he pulled back and stood up."I will get revenge."

Wrath ran his fingers through her pink hair as he kissed her.

"Fine and he isn't my boyfriend."Luciana snapped as she went to find Andre.

Rosetta's crying soon calmed down to small whimpers and she wiped her tears away.

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Victoria felt a stab of panic, but there was no way she was going to tell him he couldn't fight. Not when she would be fighting too. She didn't say anything, just stood up after taking a couple of the flowers.

Antoinette moved in close to him, running a hand over his chest to his abdomen.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Boyfriends are who sneak into your room and sneak out in the morning." he muttered to Lilith before taking her hand and going to Hell. He knew nothing had happened between Luciana and Andre, but he was still going to give the kid hell for it. When they walked into the throne room he raised a brow and his son liplocked with Antoinette, clearing his throat.

Thorn kept her close. "We'll find a way to make it right."

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude took Victoria's hand and took her into the castle.

Wrath slowly pulled back from Antoinette and looked at Lucifer and Lilith."Lilith are you okay?"

Lilith stared in shock."She's...alive? How is this possible?" She whispered.

Luciana found Andre."We need to go. My father wants to speak to you, Lilith, Wrath and myself about what we plan to do next." She said as she opened a portal to Hell.

Rosetta looked up at him."How can we make this right, Thorn?"

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Victoria walked with him, getting her cell phone from her vampire guard, making a call to the covens. It was hard to explain what happened, she held Claudes hand the whole time so she wouldn't cry.

Antoinette had to clear her mind before looking at Lilith. "Apparently I'm a fallen angel and not allowed to take care of my people."

Lucifer sighed softly and looked at Lilith before noddi g, "I don't want her leaving hell until we get on more stable ground with Heaven."

Andre frowned at her, but didn't question it. He stepped through the portal and then froze, staring at Antoinette

Thorn scowled. "I don't know yet. But we will."

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude saw the look of sadness on Victoria's face and he hugged her.

Lilith shook her head then she looked at Lucifer."Your father is back? Gifting Fae with Fallen blood."

Luciana bumped into Andre when she got into Hell."Andre..." She sighed and moved around him then she looked over and saw Antoinette."What the fuck?" She whispered."Dad....I'm going insane."

Rosetta leaned her forehead against his.

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Victoria hung up the phone with the last coven, resting her head on his chest.

"Apparently." Lucifer said with a sigh. "I kind of hope he's in Heaven scolding my brother. God forbid Michael gets cast out though.. I will kill him if he becomes my responsibility.."

Antoinette looked at her cousin and best friend, bouncing over to them. She hugged them both at once. "Going crazy implies that you haven't been crazy all along." she teased.

Thorn closed his eyes, thinking about what they could do.

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude kissed the top of her head as he held her close.

"Michael was always your father's favourite. So I doubt that will happen." Lilith said softly."And Luciana has her wings."

Luciana pulled back."Your dead. I saw it with my own eyes but yet your here laughing and joking about being crazy. What the fuck is going on?" She was pissed off but that's how she dealt with every emotion she had.

Rosetta kissed him softly.

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Victoria wrapped her arms around him.

Lucifer nodded a little, "And usually Michael is more rational than this. I don't know what's gotten into him."

Antoinette nodded, "I thought I was dead too. Naked and dead. But I guess I'm fallen now? It's kinda cool. My wings are so cool." she smiled, but then it faded. "Oh my god.. I was such a colossal bitch to you.."

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Thorn returned the kiss

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: "It will be okay, Victoria."Claude said softly.

Lilith frowned softly."It is very strange."

Luciana was so confused by all this."What the fuck...." She muttered.

Rosetta broke the kiss and laid her head on his shoulder.

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Victoria didn't say anything. She wasn't sure it would be. She pulled back, taking his hand and walking to his bedroom with him.

Lucifer nodded a little. "I sent word to Raphael. But he's busy.. Heaven is divided. That's all he said to me."

Antoinette shrugged a little, "Yeah. Oh, hey. Can you take me back to Earth?" she was a sneaky little thing now.

Thorn sighed softly, burring his face in her hair, curled around her basically

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude followed her to his room.

Lilith nodded and winced."You seriously need to stop with the kicking." She said to her unborn child.

Luciana glared at Antoinette."Fuck no. Do you think I am that stupid to take you back?! Michael is gunning for what we Morningstars hold dear. He went fair Wrath first by taking you down. Second he'll come after me and finally Dad. So no I will not take you to Earth. You wanna go then go but you'll die again and this time Grandpa won't be there to save your ungrateful ass."

"If I take the throne will you stay with me?"Rosetta asked softly.

2016-04-28 [GlamGamer]: Victoria sat on the bed. "I don't even want to think.."

Lucifer chuckled softly. "Go lie down. It's been a long day."

Antoinette was close to smacking her, "My people are in danger you little brat. Your grandfather didn't bring me back to sit on my ass in hell. If that's what he wanted he should have left me dead. And don't you ever call me ungreatful again or I will slap you silly. I have responsibilities, unlike you, to an entire kingdom of people who have already lost everything, absolutely every-fucking-thing. And now they think their Queen was murdered, wings ripped off and shoved into the goddamn ground INFRONT of them. I didn't die instantly, I heard the screams, I felt their pain in my heart.. I have to go back to them."

Thorn looked at her and put a hand on her cheek. "Of course I will."

2016-04-28 [Cerulean Sins]: "I know that feeling." Claude said as he walked over to the dresser and took out a bottle of vodka.

Lilith leaned up and kissed him."Stop them two girls before they kill each other."

Luciana shook her head."No. I can't lose my best friend again. When you died I lost it and attacked Michael, I would have died for you. I still would. I begged my Grandpa to take my life so you could live." She hugged Antoinette."You want your people to live then you rule through Andre until we kill Michael."

Rosetta frowned softly."It means watching your family and friends die. We would only have each other."

2016-04-29 [GlamGamer]: Victoria kicked off her shoes and then started taking off her stockings.

"I think she's finally speaking Luciana's language: Anger." Lucifer chuckled softly and then walked over to them. "Alright. If Andre is here much longer people might get suspicious. You want me to take him back?"

Antoinette hugged her back, but huffed softly, "Well... Do that quickly. I don't like being away." She pulled back and looked at Andre, "Not that I don't think you can do a great job.." She frowned a little, "Well.. You know how I would rule.. Just, do what you think is best."

Thorn ran his thumb over her cheek. "I know that..I'm more worried about our children." He said softly and then gave her a kiss.

2016-04-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Want a drink?" Claude asked as he walked over to the dresser and got a bottle of vodka out the draw.

Lilith chuckled softly as she left the grand hall and went to their bedroom for a rest.

Luciana looked at Andre."I put a protective Hell fire barrier around the castle and grounds, no one can get in. Any Angel, vampire, werecreature, Fae etc that even fucking tries to enter will be set alight and burn to death. Everyone in the castle and grounds can easily leave but they won't be able to enter until I lift the barrier."

Rosetta kissed him back, knowing that they would outlive their children and their grandchildren. Life as Nymph royally is an honour but also cursed.

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Victoria looked at him and nodded. "Please." she tossed her stockings to the side. She unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She looked at him. "Do you have a shirt I can barrow?"

Andre nodded a little. "I'll go warn everyone not to leave or they can't come in.. I might need to have you remove it tomorrow though. So I can allow people in or out."

Thorn broke the kiss slowly and then kissed her cheek. "I can't wait to spend two hundred years loving you." he whispered

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude nodded."Yeah I have one." He pulled out his Protector Academy shirt, a bright red shirt with the school logo on it. He walked over to her with a glass of vodka in one hand and the shirt in the other."Here."

"Just text me when you want me to remove the barrier and I'll pop over."Luciana said softly.

Rosetta smiled softly."Being with you for two hundred years, loving you will make all the death worth it. I couldn't be Queen alone." Rosetta was not looking forward to the day when her family and friends who die but Damion's death would be the hardest to deal with.

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Victoria took them and drank the vodka in one go. "Thanks." she set the glass on the nightstand and turned her back to him. She unhooked her bra and tossed it to the side, slipping his shirt on. Once she was comfy she flopped onto the bed.

"Don't forget the love we'll have for other people. Even when they're gone, we'll still have their love."

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude took off his tie and jacket. He rolled up his sleeves and laid on the bed with his vodka.

Rosetta nodded a little."And the love of our people."

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Victoria curled up around the pillow, "This isn't what I was hoping for tonight."

Thorn nodded a little, "Exactly" he kissed her again

Andre nodded a little, "Will do." he hugged Antoinette before leaving with Lucifer

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude sipped his vodka."Yup I know that feeling. To be honest I was hoping for a repeat of last night."

Rosetta kissed him back.

Luciana looked at Antoinette."Sorry for singing that song at your dinner."

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Victoria smirked a little, "Well.. More like part two. I had a few new things I wanted to show you."

Thorn held her close.

Antoinette shrugged a little. "I deserved it."

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: "Damn...."Claude muttered and shook his head.

"Damion has been away for a long time."Rosetta pulled out her phone and texted Damion. Teddy! Where are you? You better not be hurt or dead xxxxx

"True but I still shouldn't have sang it. It was pretty bitchy of me." Luciana said softly.

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Victoria looked at him, "Still want to.." she whispered and then sighed softly.

Damion texted back a little bit later Not dead. Just working

Antoinette hugged her again, "Channel your inner Elsa." she giggled.

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude sipped his glass of vodka then put the glass on the bedside table. He leaned over her, staring into her eyes."Really?" He brushed a lock of her hair from her face gently.

"Teddy is okay."Rosetta said with relief and leaned her head against Thorn's shoulder.

"No."Luciana chuckled."So how do you want to take down Michael?"

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Victoria looked into his eyes and nodded. "I don't really want to lay here and mope.. I don't want to spend the night crying or replaying it in my head.."

Thorn smiled a little, "He seems like a capable man, I'm sure he's fine and will be around long into old age."

Antoinette's eyes got dark with anger, "I want to shoot him out of the sky and pluck his feathers out one by one."

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: "Let's forget."Claude said softly and kissed her softly as he placed a hand on her cheek.

Rosetta nodded."I know, Thorn. Teddy is the best protector I've ever seen."

Luciana grinned."I like it when you get all dark and twisty like me. However we can not do that. We must be smart about this. Well we could do your idea if we put him in Lilith's prison at her home. She has all the tools and the prison prevents you from using your powers."

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Victoria returned the kiss, letting him take over tonight.

Thorn smiled a little, "I bet."

Lucifer was back in hell in no time. He sighed softly, "You cannot kill Michael, number one. Number two. Antoinette can't leave hell, which she would have to in order to go after him."

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Claude was gentle, taking his time and pretty much worshiping her. Making her feel loved and safe.

Rosetta nodded and cuddled him.

Luciana looked at Lucifer."Then what do you suggest, Oh might knight of Hell?"

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Victoria let her troubles melt away for now in his arms.

Thorn smiled a bit and closed his eyes.

"King. I'm King of Hell. And I suggest you help Wrath get her comfortable here. She's going to be here a while." He sighed, "I will deal with him."

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta's eyes closed and with in a matter of minutes she fell asleep, emotionally tired.

Luciana glared at Lucifer."You'll deal with him? You've been dealing with him since you fell. But okay." She took Antoinette's hand and went to find her a room.

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Thorn stayed awake, but rested his eyes. When Damion found them he smiled a little. Instead of waking her up he adjusted and fell asleep while Damion watched over them.

Lucifer sighed softly. He knew she would be annoyed. The problem was, there was no killing Michael. He'd done it once and his father had just brought him back. And now there would be major consequences if Michael was killed; Hell would seal and collapse, the evil spirits he had control of would be released before Hell was sealed. It would be disastrous.

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta snored softly as she slept but her nap was short lived when she sensed someone watching them. she woke up with burry eyes, she blinked a few times until she saw a burry Damion."TEDDY!" She cheered and pulled away from Thorn and she hugged him tightly."Your alive! Do NOT scare me like that again. I was so worried."

"Want the room across from mine?" Luciana asked.

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Damion hugged her tightly, "You realize that I'm going to have to keep doing things like that right? I am your protector."

Anoinette nodded, smiling, "Sure. That way it's not a long walk if one of us can't sleep."

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded against his chest."Yes but I'm not use to it yet, Teddy. I just don't want you to get hurt or worse. Your my best friend, my person and brother. I love you too much for you to leave me."

"So you can kick me while you sleep?"Luciana raised an eyebrow at her as she opened the bedroom door. The room was very large, it was more like a descent size apartment with a small living area, large bathroom, bedroom and huge built in cupboard.

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Damion held her tightly. Tonight wasn't the night to tell her that he would eventually get hurt on the job. He just smiled, "Good thing he can sleep through you yelling."

"I don't kick in my sleep." Antoinette grinned, "You kick. I punch. It'll be fine." She looked around, "Wow.. Almost like I'm not in hell."

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked back at Thorn."How strange." She giggled then she jumped up, her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek."Please be careful."

"We're really violent sleepers."Luciana chuckled."Decorate however you like."

2016-04-30 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little. "Don't you worry about me. I've got mad skills." he grinned.

Antoinette chuckled softly. "Yeah we are. And this is fine." Antoinette walked in the room more, looking around.

2016-04-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled a little."I know you have mad skills, Teddy but even that won't stop me from worrying about you." She poked his cheek to prove her point.

"Dad won't do anything about Michael. We need to do this ourselves without him knowing." Luciana said as she leaned against the door frame of her room.

2016-05-04 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, "Yeah yeah." He kissed her cheek, "Come on, we better get you to bed."

Antoinete looked to her, sitting down. "What were you thinking?"

2016-05-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded."Okay, Teddy. Will you stay the night?"

Luciana shrugged as she walked into the room and sat down on the bed."Fuck knows."

2016-05-04 [GlamGamer]: "I don't know how your mate would feel about that."

"I think she should do whatever makes her happy." Thorn said softly, eyes still closed.

Antoinette frowned a little, "We'll think of something." she smiled a little.

2016-05-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked at Thorn with a smile."I meant Teddy could sleep on the sofa in our room. You'll get a sore neck in the morning if you keep sleeping like that, Thorn."

"Hopefully."Luciana laid back on the bed.

2016-05-04 [GlamGamer]: Thorn sat up slowly, rubbing his neck, "I'm fine.." He whispered softly, yawning.

Antoinette walked over to the bed and sat down, "Maybe Wrath will have an idea."

2016-05-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Lies." Rosetta frowned at him.

"I doubt it He always listens to dad." Luciana sighed.

2016-05-05 [GlamGamer]: Thorn looked up, still rubbing his neck, and saw her frown. He just grinned.

Antoinette frowned a little. "Hmm."

2016-05-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Don't give me that look. You mister go to bed. Do not making get Teddy to carry you there cause I will ask him. Not sure if he will do it but it could happen." Rosetta chuckled a little then she scowled at him to try and prove her point. It wasn't a very strong point but hey Rosetta never made any sense at all.

"Why is trying to figure out how to kill you uncle so hard?" Luciana sighed.

2016-05-06 [GlamGamer]: Thorn stood and walked over, kissing her cheek. "Only if you come with me."

"Ugh.. This is gross." Damion teased.

Antoinette frowned a little, "Maybe because he was, at some point, somewhat loving?? I remember you saying he came to your birthdays until you were about ten.."

2016-05-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta put her hand on Damion's mouth and she smiled at Thorn."Okay but Teddy is carrying me there cause I'm sleepy and he's comfy."

"He was loving until his daughter died. Sure he hated dad but he never hated myself or Wrath, not until his daughter died."Luciana sighed loudly."My family is so screwed up."

2016-05-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned a little and stood up, adjusting her a little before he followed Thorn down the hall to his room.

Antoinette nodded a little, "Isn't everyones though?"

2016-05-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta took her hand off his mouth and she rested her head on his shoulder."Why do you have to be so comfy, Teddy?" She muttered as she her eyes fluttered slightly. She had a thing about being carried means sleepy time.

"True. However at least I know my grandfather is real cause I never believed he was real mainly because I had never met him. Only grandfather can make fallen angels and because your a fallen too, well then, he must be real."Luciana said softly.

2016-05-26 [GlamGamer]: "Because. Bears are cuddly." Damion just chuckled softly and walked her to her room. He carefully transferred her over to Thorn once they were in the room.

"You doubted your dad? I mean, surely he's met his father." Antoinette said and then shrugged a little. She sighed, chewing on her lip as she tried to get a grip on all of the emotions going through her right now. "I feel like burning down a village or screwing someone.." She muttered, even though she hadn't meant to say it out loud

2016-05-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled sleepily."My cuddly teddy bear." She whispered then she cuddled Thorn once she was in his arms."Stay Teddy....don't leave. I need to make sure you won't die." She whispered.

"I doubt him most of the time. When he says we can't kill Michael there must be a big ass reason but he won't tell us. the twat." Luciana sighed then she chuckled."Yeah that feeling will pass, babes."

2016-05-29 [GlamGamer]: Damien chuckled softly, "I wont leave. I promise."

Thorn tried to lay her down on the bed, trying to get hee to let him go. It just wasn't working very well.

Antoinette sighed softly, "I hope so." she grumbled "Have you asked Lilith?"

2016-05-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta slowly let go of Thorn, she wiggled out of her dress and she pulled her nightgown from under her pillow out. She pulled on her nightdress and pulled the cover over her."Nighty night." She whispered and just like that she was out like a light.

"No. I don't think even she knows."Luciana shrugged.

2016-05-31 [GlamGamer]: Thorn chuckled softly and got ready for bed quickly after turning off most of the lights. He hesitated laying down in the bed though, glancing nervously at the over protective bear.

Damion grinned, "If you don't get in she's gonna wake up and start whining." He got settled on the couch.

Antoinette frowned a little. "Why wouldn't he give you a reason?" She thought aloud.

2016-06-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta snored softly as she slept softly.

"Because he is hiding something."Luciana stood up."And I'm going to the library and sneak into the dark vault."

2016-06-08 [GlamGamer]: Thorn laid down finally, just watching her until he fell asleep.

Damion didn't fall asleep until he was sure Thorn had, which was difficult with how tired he was.

Antoinette stood up, "And I'm going to explore." She grinned a little, but in reality she just wanted to find Wrath.

2016-06-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta snuggled to Thorn as she slept.

"Say hi to Wrath for me." Luciana smirked.

2016-06-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn pulled her in close to him.

Antoinette just gave a smile, "I will." She said and headed down the hall way.

2016-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana went to the library to dig up some dirt on her Uncle Michael.

Wrath was in the bar down the road from Lucifer's castle drinking with some of his friends.

2016-06-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette allowed instict to guide her to him, but once she was there, she hesitated. He was out with friends, he probably didn't want her to tag along. She eased back out of the bar, hoping she wasn't noticed and took a look around. It wasn't what she'd been expecting.

The Gospel of Lucifer was sitting out. An ancient leather bound book that he'd started writing when he first fell. Most of it was in Anoikian.

2016-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Antoinette? Are you alright?" Lilith asked as she walked towards her. She needed a walk and a little fresh air.

"Oh Dad...your making this far too easy."Luciana muttered but she near there would be a catch. She walked over to the book, she brushed her fingers over the cover.

2016-06-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at Lilith and smiled a little, "Yeah.. I just.. I don't want to bother him.. Plus, apparently there's a lot more to Hell than I thought there would be."

The leather warmed under touch, not burning her because she was his child. It would burn even Lilith.

2016-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded and smiled a little."Wrath doesn't get to see his friends very often since he had been working at Mystics. Go see him tomorrow and give him hell for having a hangover." She chuckled."Come, I'll show you around. I helped Lucifer create the capital of Hell. Oh and I have Lucifer's credit card so we can shop until I need to sit." She chuckled.

"Too easy. Far too easy." Luciana muttered as she opened the book.

2016-06-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, "There's currency in Hell? And wouldn't they just give you everything? You are the Queen." Then she thought about it. "Of course, if there's currency that means living expenses for people... Wait, are demons the only citizens? Or human souls as well?"

At first the pages were blank, then the words. 'He knows you're peaking at me' came up on the page in several languages.

2016-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "So many questions." Lilith chuckled as she walked down the street."I have been there Queen since the beginning of Hell when Lucifer was banished to Hell for causing a tiny spot of trouble on Earth. Anyways yes Hell does have it's own currency and no I don't get anything for free. Lucifer and I may be evil but we aren't cruel enough to demand free things from our own people. However we do get a royal discount of 50%." She smiled and winked."Demons are citizens but the Human souls and souls of other supernatural creatures belong in the tower."

"Fucking knew it wouldn't be this easy."Luciana sighed loudly."I don't care if he knows. He won't tell me fuck all. So tell me everything about my Uncle Michael and how to destroy him." She said to the book. 

2016-06-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little, then frowned, "Tower?"

The book went blank and then the pages flipped on their own to the section about Michael, including how to destroy him. In easy to miss tiny letters Lucifer had written that God forbade it.

2016-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yes. Lucifer keeps them there and those soul go through the worse pain possible. The souls that come here are the ones that get punished. Lucifer has employed demons to deal out punishment to those souls. While other demons own clothing stores, pubs, nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, beauty salons, barbers, spas, stores etc. It's how Hell works just like how Heaven works. Well in heaven all the souls live in a tower and they are all at peace. Those souls in Hell's tower can not be saved from their fate."Lilith said softly.

Luciana read everything, she almost missed the tiny writing but she read her father's warning."Fuck you grandpa." She sighed."So...Michael will always hunt my family, my friends, my people for the rest of time because dad was the black sheep of the family." Luciana had never felt so defeated in her life, other than when she had lost her wings. She picked up the book and tossed it against the wall."AAAAGGGRRRAAA!" She screamed in anger."Fuck you Michael! Fuck you grandpa!"

2016-06-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little, "Oh.. I hope my parents are in Heaven. They made mistakes in their life, but they weren't bad.." She said softly.

"Watch your tone missy." Lucifer said, but he didn't sound angry. He leaned against the doorway.

2016-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Your parents are in Heaven. Lucifer keeps records of everyone that enters the Tower." Lilith said as she walked into a clothing store.

Luciana sighed loudly and turned around, looking at her dad."I hate Grandpa. He won't let me kill Uncle Michael."

2016-06-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled at that and then when they walked in her eyes got large. "Holly crap... Oh. I think I'm in Heaven.." She whispered.

"Would you hate me if I wouldn't let you kill Wrath, no matter how big of an asshole he became?"

2016-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Kadma makes such wonderful clothes. Lucifer hates it when I go shopping. I damage his bank account so badly." Lilith chuckled.

"Wrath hasn't tried to kill my best friend nor start a war. Dad....I just want revenge for what has happened. Michael shouldn't get away with it."Luciana glared. She had so much anger that she didn't know what to do with it.

2016-06-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked around more, "Oh... He's going to hate me.. Maybe I should leave. I want everything."

Lucifer sighed softly, "I know, but that isn't our choice to make Luciana.. I've tried talking to my father, but to no avail. I haven't heard his voice since I killed Michael after I first fell.."

2016-06-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Kadma chuckled."Oh please do not leave because of the fear you have for our King. With his Queen at your side, you are safe."

"Kadma."Lilith chuckled."You wicked demon, you." She said as she walked around the store.

Luciana blinked."You killed Michael? Then why is that fucker still alive? Did Grandpa give him life again?" She said with a scowl.

2016-06-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked over and smiled a little before starting to look a little better at the clothes. Yup. She was in Hevean.

"Yes, that's why the book is so detailed. Any other way and you'll just piss him off.. And yes, he brought his son back. Just like he brought me back. After Michael successfully killed me-right after Wrath was born. All Hell litterally broke loose. Father put everything right and then had our baby sister, Eden, tell us that if we killed eachother again, that was it. God would exterminate our entire line." Lucifer sighed softly. "I don't think Michael believes him. That or his grief has blinded him."

2016-06-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Kadma looked at Antoinette."Please look around." She smiled.

Luciana sighed."So there is nothing we can do? Just roll over and let him kill us?"

2016-06-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled. "Thank you." she started pulling thing out to try on.

"No.. We need to talk with the others, but Michael has Hevean on lockdown."

2016-06-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Kadma smiled as she wondered around her shop.

Lilith picked up a beautiful dress."I wish I could wear this. However this bundle of darkness is stopping me."

"I highly doubt the Uncles will help you taken down Michael."Luciana sighed.

2016-06-22 [GlamGamer]: "You should get it, for after the baby gets here.. First date night with Lucifer after the baby?" Antoinette smiled a bit.

Lucifer shrugged. "Still have to try."

2016-06-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh yes, show that hot head what he is missing between your legs."Kadma chuckled.

Lilith smirked and laughed softly."Oh trust me as soon as I able to have sex again, Lucifer won't let me go until his cock can't get hard for at least 24 hours."

"I don't care dad. If Michael comes after what is mine then I will go for him and end his life. I don't care what happens. No one messes with the Morningstar family or with our people." Luciana said fiercely as she walked over to Lucifer."And the sooner people remember this the better, dad."

2016-06-23 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette just raised a brow and then smiled, "Just let me know when that's happening so I can take care of the baby and keep Luciana and Wrath entertained." She gasped when she spotted a short dress she liked. "Ooo.." She looked at the other clothes, starting to pull things to try on.

Lucifer shook his head, "You don't seem to understand Luciana. If you kill Michael or any of his decedents. If you kill any arch angel really.. All of us will be gone. Wrath, me, you, the baby. Gone, just like that."

2016-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "I will keep that in mind."Lilith smiled as she wondered around the shop.

Luciana sighed loudly."So we're powerless to stop him or any of the Uncles or Cousins who wish to cause us harm? That sucks."

2016-06-24 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette grinned a little and then went to try on some clothes.

"Maybe I can help with that." A woman said from the door. "Oh! You must be Luciana! I'm so excited to meet you!" she went in for a hug and then stopped herself. "Wait, burny-burn." she turned to Lucifer, bouncing a little. "Hi!"

"Eden? What the hell..? How did you get out of Heaven? It's on full lock down." Lucifer stared at her, bewildered.

2016-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at the crazy woman that bounced around with a happy smile."Wait...your Auntie Eden?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

2016-06-30 [GlamGamer]: Eden looked at her and nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yes." she looked at Lucifer. "Silly boy, the garden is mine. Michael doesn't control it, or currently have access to it." she grew somber. "He's gone mad Lucifer... He tried to kill Gaberiel.."

2016-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana stared at her Auntie Eden in shock."Uncle Michael tried to kill Uncle Gabe?" She whispered softly in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

2016-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Eden nodded, watching as Lucifer moved to sit down. "Something has poisoned his mind."

Lucifer nodded absent mindedly, "So you need me to help build a cell capable of holding Michael? You remember it only took me four days to escape mine right?"

2016-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Poisoned his mind? No. Uncle Michael has lost the plot."Luciana frowned."So we're just going to lock up Uncle Michael and pray and holds him for more than four days?"

2016-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Eden looked at her. "Well I have an idea of where to put him so her can't get out.."

"No Eden. That spell was meant to protect you from danger, and if you've forgotten, it requires you in the garden. If we seal you two in there and he really is crazy, he will torture you forever."

"Or I can help him become his old self and unseal the garden from within. Besides, you act like I'm entirely defenseless. No, I have no wings, but you forget everything I can do."

2016-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana shook her head."Auntie Eden, you can't do that. There has to be another way."

2016-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer just scowled. "There has to be a way to make the cells in heaven hold him.."

Eden shook her head a little. "Gabe was trying to figure that out when Michael found him and attacked him. Plus, there's no way to get you in Hevean to even glance at the cells, let along strengthen them."

2016-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "What about here?"Luciana asked.

2016-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer frowned a little. "Maybe.. But the other Angels would have to come here and help build it.. It would have to be strong enough against him."

2016-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Wait! What about Lilith's prison in the Vampire Manson? That can even hold you, dad." Luciana said.

2016-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer grinned a little at that, then shook his head and cleared his throat. "It's true. But Michael is stronger than me.. I'm not sure if it would hold him."

Eden raised a brow and then shook her head, deciding she didn't want to know why he was grinning so much. "We could make it even stronger.."

2016-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana saw her dad's grin then she screwed up her face."Ew. Just ew, dad." She shuddered."But yes we could make it stronger."

2016-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer shrugged, not really sorry for it. "The isure still remains of how to get the others out of Heaven to help me.

Eden smiled a little. "The garden. That's where Gabe is healing now.."

2016-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana answered her phone."Hello? Oh hey Prue." Luciana gasped softly."That cunt. Yeah I'll go get Connie and Bonnie." She hanged up the. She looked at Eden and her dad."Michael has lost it completely. That was cousin Prudence. She told me that Michael has summoned all angels from Earth realm back to Heaven. Prudence has twin girls who are half angel and hand human. She's also a single mother. I need to go get them. Prudence said that all Angels must be with him or he will kill them. I'll be back." Luciana opened a portal to Prudence's house to collect the twins.

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